Psalm 87:6

Psalm 87:6

This one was born in Zion

We have seen, from the previous verses, that the Jews are distinctive and those who are born in Zion, or who have their ancestral roots there, are recorded by the Most High. What this next verse expressly does, is that it tells us that the Lord has a Register of all the peoples of the world. Note the plural, it is not just the Jews, but all births are recorded, the true nationality of each person is known. Some may ask, “But what about mixed races and the colonisation of countries by outsiders?” Well, we need to remember that these Psalms were written when people generally remained loyal to their heritage and there was a great deal of national pride. Having said that, the Jews were encouraged to welcome strangers and foreigners and those who chose to dwell amongst them. I don’t think God has a problem with this! 

What the verse does is it prophetically announces that all the righteous will be recorded, not just Israel. We were all strangers and foreigners, but we have been welcomed into God’s family and our names are recorded forever. Not one will be lost. When God takes an account of all those who say they are Christians, He will set apart those inhabitants of the New Jerusalem who were born in Zion, who were born again, received a new nature, and were fitted for heaven. In fact, this whole Psalm seems to be saying the same thing! God loves His city, the place where He dwells among His people (1-3). He brings men and women from former enemy nations and places them in His city (4). He gives them equal rights as His children along with the faithful of Israel and those of other, far-off nations (5-6). All the faithful rejoice together in the refreshment and delight of God’s city (7). Hallelujah!


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