Psalm 87:4a

Psalm 87:4a

"I will record"

The idea of the Lord God using books is intriguing and worthy of further comment! There are a number of manifestations of the “Word of the Lord.” 

The Word was present at creation, according to John 1, and so the created world is part of God’s Word to us. As Paul writes in Romans 1:20 “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Creation speaks! 


The Word is also Jesus Christ Himself; God spoke to our world in the manifestation of Himself through His Son. Everything we can know about God in relationship terms, is found in Jesus.


The other great manifestation of the Word; is the written Word – the Holy Scriptures that we call the Bible. Here we have everything that God would have us know about His character, His holiness and His truth. Isn’t it amazing the Lord God would have all of this recorded in print? What other God has ever gone to such trouble? What other book is as enlightening and yet as profound as the Bible? To think that we all own a book (or several) that are written directly by our Lord! And the more we read the Bible, the greater the revelation. That is, of course, where the Holy Spirit does His greatest work, He is the Revealer, the being who takes text written on paper and personalizes it to become the Word of God to us. 

We may conclude that God loves books, but that might be a little misleading! God loves communication and having given us eyes to see and ears to hear, He has given us three things to look at and listen to: - the Created World, His Son and His Book. Treasure your Bible, immerse yourself in it and seek to live it out. 


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