Psalm 87:4

Psalm 87:4

This one was born in Zion

This is an extraordinary verse! It is telling us that those who are born in Zion, in other words those who are Israelites, will be listed in some kind of heavenly register. Every name that is native to the city and that enjoys the privileges of being a citizen of Zion will be recorded. Isaiah 4:32.

The name “Rahab” does not refer to King David’s ancestor and the prostitute from Jericho, but to the upper Nile area of North Africa, i.e. Egypt. It might include all those Israelites who are born in exile and in particular, those born in Babylon. Philistia, Tyre and Cush (Sudan) are mentioned here, all of these being Gentile nations. I think that what this verse is saying is, God will record those who acknowledge Him, even the exiles, and the citizens of the surrounding Gentile nations should take note! 

Psalm 69:28 talks about a heavenly Register and calls it the book of life! Even Moses bartered with God about his name being erased from God’s book. Exodus 32:31-33. This is a recurring theme in the Bible, for those who believe in Jesus Christ are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life. In Revelation 20:12, the dead stand before God’s throne and the books are opened and judgement will be pronounced according to what is written. 

Do you remember the promise of Psalm 139:16? “Every day ordained for me was written in Your book before one of them came to be.” We should be aware that heaven keeps accounts. Our deeds are recorded, as are our names, nothing is left to chance, the Lord God will be seen to be just and fair at all times, that is why He is a righteous God. 


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