Psalm 86:8

Psalm 86:8

There is none like You

It is important for us to realise that the Psalms were written at a time when every man and woman had their gods, and they were deeply dependent upon them for provision, protection and guidance. People were very superstitious; they did not have the calming voices of science or psychology to help them through the problems of living on earth. Gods were everywhere and in everything. Gods were blamed and thanked for every eventuality. Gods were worshipped and obeyed simply because the peoples had no other explanations for all that happened around them, life was lived on the basic principle that the gods were in control. David had observed all of this, he knew the mindsets of the various nations and the people he lived with, the Israelites needed a God too and they had found One, or to be more precise, He had chosen them. “Among the gods there is none like You, Lord: no deeds can compare with yours.” 

Of course, that is still true, If we don’t believe that, then presumably we would not be reading the Bible or engaging in the journey of faith. Nothing has changed, the world is till enticed by the gods, some religions have hundreds of them. People still look for guidance, protection and care from outside of themselves. If they do, I suppose they are at least part way on the journey to truth as opposed to those who reject faith completely. Thank God that we have found Him, or He has chosen us as He did with Israel. We know the way and the truth and the life, there is still “None like You, Lord.” Hallelujah!

Don Moen’s song, below, expresses this well. 

"There Is None Like You"

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
And I can search for all eternity, Lord
And find, there is none like You

Your mercy flows like a river so wide
And healing comes from Your hand
Suffering children are safe in Your arms
There is none like You

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
And I can search for all eternity, Lord
And find, there is none like You
Oh I can search for all eternity, Lord
And find, there is none (there is none)
There is none (there is none)
There is none like You


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