Psalm 86:5

Psalm 86:5

He is the God who hears

This verse is another amazing collection of attributes of our God that are available and displayed to those who call on Him. To “call on the Lord” does not entail a quick prayer of convenience at the beginning of the day. It implies sincere faith and a readiness to implore, to plead, to cry out and to recognise dependence. It also implies desperation and humble acknowledgement that God is the only one who can help in a time of need. 

To those who are “calling” the Lord reveals three things about Himself that are fundamental to faith. The gods of the pagans are distant and self-absorbed, demanding of their worshippers and aloof to their woes. Not so, the Lord; He is forgiving. He is good. He abounds in love to those who call on Him.

Just stop and think about this for a moment. If you don’t, the verse can just be empty words, nice to read but easily forgotten. What David is saying is that the Lord God is not remote, He is not self-absorbed or unaware of our needs. He doesn’t put His finger in His ears and ignore our pleading! He hears our cries, and He responds to our plaintive pleas. If we’ve messed up and sinned and feel inadequate before Him – He forgives. Despite the stains of the dark world and our own failings, this God who is good, encourages us to reach out to Him. He doesn’t just love us remotely; He pours out His compassion and is moved to involve Himself at desperate moments in our lives. He is the opposite of the gods of the world’s religions. He is not impressed by our religious activities; He looks for the humble sinners and He listens for their cries. Our God really does care about us! Hallelujah!



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