Psalm 86:3

Psalm 86:3

Call to Him all day long

There’s a little phrase that we use, as believers, that is very well meant but can actually sell us short. We talk about “having a Quiet Time.” The inference being that every day, usually at its beginning, we stop for a few moments and spend time with the Lord. Before the business and demands of the waking hours take us over, we seek to spend some time with Him. That is admirable and highly desirable and not to be downplayed. To be honest, somehow or other, I can recall living the spiritual life without such a time. I relied instead on the endless study and preparation for sermons and talks and used that as a substitute for a “Quiet Time.” In other words, I spent hours preparing food and spiritual meals for others but failed to allow the Lord to feed me! It reminds me of Martha who was similarly engaged while Mary had a “Quiet Time!”

The reason for this mild rant is that today’s verse encourages us to call to the Lord, “all day long.” In other words, it’s not enough to have a few minutes at the beginning of the day and a prayer at the end of it and then to forget Him in between. In fact, that is quite rude for He is there with us 24/7. I realise that in today’s busy world, work and family and other legitimate business can occupy us completely for hours but let us not forget, God loves Quiet Time all of the time. He is never distant or preoccupied, we can talk to Him at any moment. Hallelujah!


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