Psalm 86:2-3

Psalm 86:2-3

A two-way relationship

This is a powerful statement by David, there are three couplets that emphasize the theme of dependency and the part that God plays in the relationship, and the role of David by comparison: 

Guard my life                          for I am faithful to you

Save Your servant                   who trusts in You

Have mercy on me Lord         You are my God          

There is no reason why we should not adopt these principles for ourselves. 

I think it would be foolish to believe that faithfulness, trust and recognition of the Lord can be used as bargaining tools to gain His protection, salvation and mercy. Is it not true that the Lord first displays His divine love towards us, and we respond with faithful trust? Thus, the more we experience His protective presence, the more we exalt Him and trust Him. 

 I often ask myself nowadays, why do I get anxious? Why do I struggle to plan ahead? Why do I try to plan at all? Why do I fear the unknown? Why do I carry any burden of uncertainty or apprehension when God is my God? David consoles me, if a man like him could suffer this way then it is part of my humanity, but the three positive statements here need to be constantly on our lips – like a mantra! I am faithful to You. I trust in You. You are my God.



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