Psalm 86:14

Psalm 86:14

Arrogant foes

There is an element of institutional Christianity under-pinning British military forces, hence the Festival of Remembrance and other civic events, but I doubt that many armies throughout history have paid much genuine lip service to Almighty God. The Jews have done so in their past but, generally speaking, they stand alone. The arrogance of men leaves no room for a divine Warrior, the way of the world is to build bigger and stronger forces until your enemies are beaten and overcome, and this process demands human ingenuity and dominance, God does not enter the equation.

Nothing has changed for centuries, as this verse shows us, David witnessed the arrogance of his foes, their ferocity and ruthlessness was clearly evident. What these enemies did not realise is that, in taking on the anointed King of Israel, they were setting themselves against the God of heaven and earth. 

Spiritually speaking, you and I have an arrogant and ruthless foe. He is the one who has master-minded the constant wars and battles that have littered human history. His body count is enormous, and he takes great pride in sending human beings to an early grave. While he cannot permanently destroy God’s holy people, he will continue to mount a bitter warfare against us that is physical, psychological and spiritual. I hate him, don’t you?



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