Psalm 86:13
Psalm 86:13
You have delivered me!
If this song is written in real time, there has been an amazing transformation in a matter of minutes! The woe-begotten writer has moved from his desperate situation to a place of comfort and hope. He now believes that he has been delivered, that the heavy burden has been lifted and that the threat of death has been removed.
Prayer makes such a difference, doesn’t it? We bring our deepest anxiety or mortal fears and our broken spirits to the Lord, and in a matter of moments we begin to realise that He has heard and that this is not the end! When we thought that the jaws of death beckoned an inner conviction grips us that this moment is about to pass and that the Lord is with us and survival is guaranteed.
Notice that David had reached such a depth of despair that he literally believed he was going to die. The realm of the dead or “Sheol” in Hebrew is a common expression in the Old Testament, it is the place of departed spirits and is vividly described in numerous verses in the Psalms as the pit, the place of silence, of darkness, of dust, mire, slime and mud! When we read these descriptions, we need to remember that Jesus Christ had not yet risen from the dead and those ancient men and women of God must await His salvation and release from death. They were people of great faith for they did not have the Holy Spirit or the hope that has been given to us. Let us walk with them, by faith, but with even greater security, for we have tasted the greatness of the love of the Lord towards us and we know we will not die.
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