Psalm 86:12

Psalm 86:12

With all my heart

This verse is much more than a declaration of intent, or a future possibility. It is actually a vow. And when you make vows to the Lord God, they are meant to be kept! We have discussed, on many occasions, the various forms that worship takes and the offering of praise is surely one that comes from the lips. This is David vowing to keep on singing and making music and he’s not just going to do it in a perfunctory manner, it is going to be from his heart. It is so easy to just “sing along” to familiar tunes and words, to “go through the motions”. To praise from the heart means to do so with understanding and with sincerity, thinking about the words and declaring them with honesty and in truth. “This is how I feel Lord. This is what I believe. This declaration from my lips is an expression of my heart.”

The highest aim of our praises is the glorification of God’s name. In the midst of darkness, against the backdrop of a hostile and unbelieving world, with Satan’s stranglehold on all forms of praise and celebration, it must do God’s heart a lot of good to hear genuine praises that honour His Name! Let’s lift up His Name. Let’s give Him honour and glory. Let’s declare His Name in the midst of unbelief and consequently be a ray of light that penetrates the darkness and reaches the throne of heaven. David vowed to keep on doing this forever! May that be our goal too. Hallelujah!


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