Psalm 85:6

Psalm 85:6

Revive us again

I wonder how many times the Lord God has heard this whimpering cry from the troubled hearts of His chosen people – Israel? How often have they slid into exile, if not geographically then spiritually. How fickle they have been. Their history is littered with accounts of God’s blessing and provision, and their constant falling away into idolatry and unbelief. With that “falling away” has come captivity, banishment, and deeply felt heartbreak at the loss of security, independence and hope. And it is all to do with the Land and their inability to live within its boundaries to the standards that the Lord had commanded they must obey. 

We can hardly point the finger! God’s blessing is still a never-ending stream, He still cares for His people, and He still expects some kind of loyalty in return. Too many Christians accept a cart load of blessing and feast on it but have no intention of ever moving on with the One who provided. They talk of past blessings but become disillusioned because they never intended to start a journey of discovery that would require discipline and a completely new way of living. God’s way. Is it time you moved on? Dare you say to the Lord, “Revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” It’s time to leave behind the blessings of the past, amazing as they may have been. God has a plan for us all and it is ahead of us, not behind.


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