Psalm 85:3

Psalm 85:3

The wrath of God

We need to understand the difference between the wrath of God and the normal human expressions of wrath. Wrath is, of course, rage, fury and anger and when expressed by humans it is almost always driven by emotion and accompanied by verbal outbursts or physical violence. Wrath comes to us all, it can be the above but it can also be a simmering fire within that one day demands expression and bursts into flame. Woe betides the victim who stands in the way! Seething wrath is not good for us, it activates negative thinking and pushes the human spirit into dark places. If all of this is true, does God’s wrath have similar causes and effects? 

The first thing we need to remember is that the wrath of God is driven by righteousness. He is holy, His thoughts, emotions, and actions are holy. God does not lash out, take revenge or simmer with indignation. Any act of wrath against human beings is driven by righteous justice and vindicated by carefully considered motives. Thus, He is angered by our treatment of the poor, He is angered by the ignorance of ungrateful people upon who He has poured His blessings – namely Israel. He is enraged by injustice, the exploitation of the weak, by greed and corruption and by wilful rebellion. Men have no excuse for their acts of violence and manipulation, and God’s righteousness drives Him to righteous anger.

Our verse today tells us that even when we infuriate Him, our God is willing to turn away from His wrath and to forgive and restore. That is His grace and His mercy towards people who He created to be like Himself. Sadly, humanity is populated by ignorant, undeserving creatures who do not realise how blessed they are just to be allowed to live! Let’s not test God’s anger!


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