Psalm 84:9


Psalm 84:9

The shield who is the anointed one

The concept that a King or Sovereign was the shield of his people was a common one in Israel in ancient times and these leaders saw themselves as the “anointed one.” This way of thinking has been highlighted in earlier Psalms and there’s no doubt that the nations looked to their leaders to take protective action against their enemies, and to ensure that they were safe and secure at all times. Such a view has been lost to some extent although we still appoint leaders to act for us and to negotiate peace or to call to arms where the situations demand it. So, the request in this verse that “God should look with favour on His anointed one” is appropriate. Before we move on, it is important to point out that the major responsibility of all appointed leaders is to be a shield for those who are under their care. In God’s view there is no place for greedy exploitation, or self-exaltation or the grasping of power for any other cause than to serve those who look for a shield. This applies to sovereigns but also to managers, mentors, church ministers and anyone who assumes a leadership role. It even applies to marriage and family life.

There is one other, obvious facet to this verse. As our appointed King and High Priest, the Lord Jesus has taken the responsibility of being our shield. He does this with dedication and faithfulness. He will always be there for us. He never wavers in His undying protection. He loves each one of us equally. He has dealt the death blow to our enemies and we are diligently guarded, not just in this life but for eternity.  And the Lord God looks with favour upon Him and upon us! Hallelujah!



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