Psalm 84:7

Psalm 84:7

Till each appears before God in Zion

The picture I get here is of pilgrims who have passed through the grim scenery of the Valley of Baca and who now have their eyes firmly fixed on their destination. Zion! The journey from any direction is uphill although the peaks of the mountains of Jerusalem are only around 2,500 feet above sea level. Never-the-less, there is a tiresome walk in the final stages of the pilgrimage. Do the travellers care? No, they do not, for the end is in sight, the beauty and wonder of the Holy City awaits and so their pace quickens. It must have been especially breath-taking for those who came over the brow of the Mount of Olives where the panorama of Jerusalem greets the eyes of the traveller in stunning glory. 

I’m sure these moments were in the mind of the psalmist, and he speaks of the pilgrims who go from “strength to strength” as they approach the Temple Mount. Here was God’s dwelling place. Here was the holiest place on earth. Here was the purpose of their pilgrimage and the focus of their devotional lives. Here was Zion! Here was God! And their pace quickened.

It’s not quite the same is it, that church or chapel where we meet on a Sunday morning? Those 

people who join with us, some out of habit and others who are there because they have nothing better to do! All I can say is that I’ve been there and done that, and meeting with others does provoke a sense of excitement as I grow older. The best thing though is just the growing eagerness and anticipation of a private meeting with the Lord, each morning. 

How empty life would be without that encounter! He is our Mount Zion! Hallelujah!



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