Psalm 84:12

Psalm 84:12

Blessed is the one who trusts in You

Have you ever asked, “Why do I trust in God? Why do I even believe in Him? Why do I believe when millions do not? Why is it that I have avoided the lures of other religions and faiths? Why Do I read the Bible every day and talk to a Being that I’ve never seen? Why me Lord, what have I ever done to deserve this?”

It is because we are blessed. The Lord God Almighty has chosen to reveal Himself and you and I saw and believed. It’s not the intellectual study or the rationalisation of the facts that brought us to Him. It’s not our good works that made us deserving cases. It’s not our status or our good nature that singles us out. Somehow, the Lord reached out and touched us with a ray of light, He reached down from His heavenly throne and that divine beam opened our eyes and from that moment we were inexplicably hooked! We dared to trust that He was real, we quickly discovered that He was not remote or aloof but intrinsically part of our inner beings. Through His Word we became aware of His sacrifice for our sins and that it was possible to know Him through Jesus Christ. The more He revealed the more we trusted until He became the single most important Being in our life’s journey. The more we trusted, the more blessed we became. For God deigns to walk with us, to enable His Spirit to dwell in us and to never leave us nor forsake us. How blessed we are! Hallelujah!


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