Psalm 84:5

Psalm 84:5

Our strength is in Him

Bearing in mind what the previous verse taught us about the word “blessed,” we come now to a curious phrase, “Blessed are those whose strength is in you.” I believe this to mean that our strength is not of ourselves, but we are dependent on someone else. A child’s strength is in its parents. A patient’s strength is in the doctors and nurses who provide care. To some extent a wife’s strength should be in her husband. All of these examples speak of dependency, usually in the sense of a weaker being trusting in one who is stronger in one or more areas.

Our dependency on the Lord God goes a step further yes, we are weak and, yes, He is much stronger but to depend on Him is to acknowledge His control and supremacy in all things. It is not just that we let Him into the weak parts of our lives but that we hand everything to Him. It involves a decision to put Him in control even when we are strong, a patient does not need doctors and nurses when they are fully recovered, we need the Lord always. 

The verse reminds us that we are on a pilgrimage. Up to 3 times a year, Jewish families would pack up their belongings and head for Jerusalem, especially for the Feast Days. They would gather at the Temple and bring their offerings to the Lord and participate in the ceremonies and rituals that their faith demanded. What a blessed time this was! We too are travelling the highways of life, we have left the past behind, we have our eyes set on a future goal and our journey each day takes us closer to Zion! God’s purpose for us is that, as each day passes, the profile of that glorious hope grows more distinct and we find ourselves one day closer to our heavenly destination. “Draw near” He cries, “Keep walking. Don’t look back.” Hallelujah


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