Psalm 84:4

Psalm 84:4

Dwelling in His house

We’ve talked before about the meaning of the word “blessed.” Sadly, in English, it is a rather abstract term, it sounds nice, but it doesn’t really have much body to it, it can’t really be clearly defined. In Hebrew it is “barakh” which literally means to endow with gifts, to do something or give something of value to another. When God blesses us He comes from His throne of power, authority and holiness and He singles out individuals or groups of humans and makes Himself available. He provides for our needs, even before we know them ourselves! We are blessed.

Our verse today asserts that there is special blessing for those who dwell in God’s house, not as priests but as God’s welcome guests in His royal, holy temple. We need to understand the thoughts of the writer here, there is no way that anyone could live in the inner sanctum of the Temple of God in Jerusalem, the best you could hope for was to spend some time in the outer courts. And yet, as we have seen, the sparrows and the swallows could enter into that Holy Place and build their nests there. If it were possible to be like them, to be able to dwell in that inner sanctum, surely all we would do is just praise our God.

It is only as we catch this deeper meaning that we begin to understand how privileged we are! God has allowed ordinary people like you and me, to approach His Holy Place, to be His inner Temple, to be His dwelling, to draw near and to be BLESSED. There is only one response to this, it is to praise Him!



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