Psalm 83:10

Psalm 83:10

Jabin and Sisera v Deborah and Barak

This verse prompts us to have a closer look at the defeat of Jabin and Sisera. (A story that can be followed in detail in Judges 4.) Apart from the Philistines (Palestinians), most of Israel’s antagonists came from outside of the land. The trouble they caused was primarily from cross-border raids, the adjoining Moabites and Ammonites were annoyingly regular at this. Jabin was a different proposition, having been previously conquered by Joshua he resettled in a Canaanite city in the north and with the help of Sisera, who commanded his army, he “cruelly oppressed the Israelites for 20 years.” Judges 4:3. A cry went up to the Lord and Deborah, a prophetess, decided something should be done about it! In answering the call, Deborah became a singular biblical figure: a female military leader. She recruited a man, General Barak, to stand by her side, telling him God wanted the armies of Israel to attack the Canaanites who were persecuting the highland tribes.

Deborah and Barak came up with a plan to defeat the enemy forces from Mount Tabor, a brave undertaking, for Sisera’s army included a force of 900 chariots fitted with iron. Their plan worked and Jabin and Sisera were defeated. This story ends with Sisera being executed by a lady called Jael, in her tent, with a tent peg! The final annihilation of the army appears to have taken place in the area of the northern city of Endor where the enemy soldiers were slaughtered and left like dung on the ground! 

It don’t pay to mess with our God and His people!



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