Psalm 82:6

Psalm 82:6

The "other" gods

Many Bible verses put mankind in his place but also gave us hope for the future and this is one of them. We’ve already discussed the role of those who rule over and judge others, be they national rulers, the leaders of organisations or those who have power and authority to legally pass judgement on their fellow men. All such are labelled as “gods” by this Psalm. In other words, they have either promoted themselves to such positions or they have been elected or appointed to be “gods” over others but ultimately, they are appointed by God. 

This verse reminds us that despite what they think they may be, all such “gods” are actually sons of the Most High. Any position of influence is His appointment, all who fulfil these roles are His representatives, they will be judged accordingly, whether they acknowledge God or not. Daniel once told Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, “The Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone He wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.” Daniel 4:17. At His trial, Jesus said to Pilate, “You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above.”

So, don’t get too troubled by the political comings and goings that take place around us. These appointments are made by God, for His purposes, and the incumbents will be judged by Him not just the electorate.


I do wonder if these words of wisdom are also directed to other powers – the spiritual rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. For instance, the fallen angels who do the bidding of the devil are powerful, one of them, called the Prince of Persia, wrestled with the archangel Michael for 21 days. (Daniel 10:13). Jesus told the disciples, who found themselves unable to deliver a boy from demons, that “This sort only comes out by prayer and fasting.”  Mark 9:29. In other words, these things will not flee in terror every time you tell them to, sometimes you will need spiritual help and persistence to overcome them. These spiritual “gods” most definitely fulfil the descriptions given earlier in the Psalm, they defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked, they walk about in darkness and because of their influence the foundations of the earth are shaken. These beings were created by God, they took their orders from Him and were empowered to serve Him until Satan rose up and rebelled and numbers of them followed him. There is nothing in Scripture to suggest that these beings are able to repent or that they can be covered by the redeeming work of Christ; the next verse will describe their end!


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