Psalm 82:2

Psalm 82:2

God sees it all

One of the greatest stains on the history of mankind has been the never-ending injustice that has been perpetrated, usually by the rich and powerful. Injustice can, on occasions, be driven by wrongly conceived information. Lies have been told, false witnesses have come forward, the truth has been twisted and someone has been judged incorrectly. However, most injustice is caused by expediency, the perpetrator has used his / her power to get their own way. Their motives are usually greed, self-preservation, reputation, pride, ambition and a callous disregard for those who, they believe,  obstruct them. It starts in the school playground, and it carries on into the higher echelons of politics and government. 

In this verse God makes it clear that He sees it all. He is particularly scathing towards the “gods”, those in authority who use their positions to defend the unjust and to show partiality to the wicked. 

Let us be fair, unbiassed and honest in all our judgements. It does not matter if it is at home with our children and our husbands and wives, or at work, or in our social lives. Where non-discriminatory judgements are also important, is in the church where Jesus Christ is deemed to be in charge and we act on His behalf. It would be appalling to think that we made wrong judgements that people attribute to Him! 


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