Psalm 81:15

Psalm 81:15

God's enemies bring before Him

These verses remind me somewhat of an exasperated parent. I can hear my mother’s words ringing in my ears, “If you would only do as I say!” Let’s follow the statements that come from the heart of our heavenly Father to Israel. First the plea for obedience: -

·      If my people would only listen to me

·      If Israel would only follow my ways

And then the consequences of obedience: -

·      How quickly I would subdue their enemies

·      How quickly I would turn my hand against their foes

·      Those who hate the Lord would cringe before Him

·      Their punishment would last forever


Israel has, in recent times, obeyed the Lord even though most of them do not know it! Many have returned to their land having travelled from every corner of the earth. In the War of Independence, the Six Day War and Yom Kippur, God subdued their enemies and turned His hand against their foes. Read the accounts, in each case, Israel’s victory was miraculous. 

And our God will do the same for us. If we listen to Him and follow His ways our spiritual enemies, the warriors that Satan sends against us, will cringe before Him. Those who challenge God and His people will be punished forever. 


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