Psalm 81:9

Psalm 81:9

No other gods

The previous verse carried a warning and this is it, “You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not worship any god other than me.” This is why the Lord was pleading with His people to hear Him out, in this above all else, they were to obey Him. The first of the 10 commandments says the same thing, “You shall have no other gods before me.” It’s obvious is it not? As soon as we exalt something or someone above God, we are at the beginning of a slippery slope. And when that something or someone is a pagan god, then we are doomed! 

God had chosen Israel, they were to be a holy nation, set apart to Him. He had proved His faithfulness and His mercy towards them by a number of miraculous events, and in so doing He had made them a people who were separate and unique. He had demonstrated His power over the gods of Egypt and the foreign deities of the nations, including the Canaanites. It was obvious that He was greater than all of these inferior objects of worship and yet He must still insist that Israel kept themselves completely untainted by the worship of false gods. Why? Because all of them were fantasies dreamed up by the Satan and many of them were representations of his demonic powers. Satan would do anything to get the Israelites to turn away from Elohim Adonai and bow to the rulers and authorities that were controlled by him. And when they did so, disaster followed. 

Let us not worship any man, any idol, any philosophy, any object or any religion other than the Lord, the God of the Bible. He is LORD of lords and KING of kings. Hallelujah! 


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