Psalm 81:3

Psalm 81:3

Sound the Shofar!

The ram’s horn trumpet is what the Jews call the “shofar”. It is a sacred instrument that was only blown in public by priests and prophets and kings. The blowing of the shofar accompanied many special moments in the calendar year, especially at the festivals. It has its roots in the Covenant made with Abraham in that God used a ram caught by its horns in a thicket to save Isaac from death and bring about the fulfilment of His promises. 

The shofar was used to announce the new moon and the Jubilee year. The first day of Tishri, the New Year, (now known as Rosh Hashana) is termed a "memorial of blowing", or "day of blowing", the shofar. It is often referred to as the Feast of Trumpets. I suspect that this is what is called here, “the day of our festival.” The festival does not have a set date but falls at the end of September or the beginning of October on the day of the new moon. (The Jews arranged everything according to a lunar calendar and by the way, Tishri is 7th month of the year, the 1st month is Aviv and falls in March/April – Passover. I know, it’s confusing, but we do the same with January 1st and yet the agricultural and school years begin at Michaelmas or September.) 

In Colossians 2:16 Paul writes, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.” He wrote this against the background of deceivers who had come into the church with “hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human traditions and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8. He later condemns the deceivers because they exercise false humility and claim to worship angels and boast about what they have seen. I don’t think, as some do, that Paul was in any way decrying the festivals or the celebration of them, what he did condemn was anything that drew attention away from Christ who is the fulfilment of all the celebrations. If we choose to we can enjoy them by putting Him at the centre. 


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