Psalm 81:2

Psalm 81:2

Strike the timbrel!

The word timbrel is used in the Hebrew Bible in both singular and plural form; the singular form referred to a hoop of wood or metal over which was stretched a parchment head; while the plural form was perhaps used to designate the tambourine with bells or jangles fixed at intervals in hoops. What is significant, is that the timbrel was an instrument of joy, it was played at celebrations and victory marches accompanied by harps and lyres. These were stringed instruments that provided the melody and tunes that people danced and sang to. Many of the Psalms we have been studying would have been put to music and sung and played at the appropriate times. There’s no doubt that this Psalm 81 was one of the celebratory numbers in the collection! 

Having watched and heard Jewish celebrations I have to say that we do not have western equivalents in our churches, the nearest thing might be an Irish or Celtic jig! It’s the kind of music that gets everyone on their feet and it can go on for hours! Even today’s best “worship leaders” tend to put on a concert or a show rather than just play familiar melodies that promote unrestrained praise. Something to think about? 



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