Psalm 81:11-12

Psalm 81:11-12

Cause and effect

We like to use the term “cause and effect” and rarely is it seen so devastatingly clearly as in these verses! 

The cause: - “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me.”

The effect: - “So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.” 

Notice that God still causes Israel “my people”. Despite their foolish disregard of His commands, God did not abandon or disown them. He never has and He never will; by covenant promise they are His people forever. 

Secondly, the judgement that came upon Israel was not sent from heaven, it was self-induced, God just left them to follow their own devices and it spelled disaster for the whole nation. On more than one occasion! 

Our world today is being judged on many fronts. As I write, the war in Ukraine is causing concern at many levels. God didn’t make it happen; Putin follows his own devices. The judgements seen in climate change are recognised as being caused by mankind’s mistreatment of the planet. We have disregarded the Creator and followed our own devices. All of the conflict and judgement that comes upon individuals, families, communities, nations and the whole world are caused by “not listening to God.” As with Israel, He “gives us over to our stubborn hearts, to follow our own devices.” And it always ends badly.


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