Psalm 80:8

Psalm 80:8

Transplanting a vine

The remainder of this Psalm is a beautiful metaphor using the vine and a vineyard to describe the ups and downs of Israel and her relationship with the Lord God. Once again, it has to be emphasised that the colourful history of this nation is a fulfilment of the Covenant relationship they had with God. If they were obedient and had faith to believe in Him, God would richly bless them. If they ventured into unbelief and ignored His commands, God would curse them. 

The metaphor begins with striking imagery, a picture of the Lord working in a garden. He has his eyes on a vine that is growing in the wrong place. So, He transplants it. The process involves freeing the vine from its unsuitable habitat and moving it some distance away to a new site. Before it can be replanted, the new location has to be cleared of all unwelcome weeds and competing vegetation, and these are destroyed. When everything is ready, God takes the vine that is to be transplanted and carefully places it in its new position and makes sure that everything that it requires to prosper, is in place. What a beautiful picture this is. How carefully God plans for His people. How gentle and loving He is in His preparations and how tender in His care for them. One can almost imagine Him standing back and leaning on His fork with a satisfied smile and murmuring, “Job well done!” 



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