Psalm 80:6-7

Psalm 80:6-7

God's world view

These two verses are self-explanatory, and we have already meditated upon the recurring truth we find here in verse 7 because it is a repeat of verse 3. 

We talk a lot about faith and that without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith first opened our eyes to the truth about the Creator, the Gospel, the Bible, the Church, the future of this world and many, many more matters that are vital to our spiritual existence. However, modern, western Christians can tend to be pickie about where God is involved and what He is involved with. Ask yourself these questions: -

·     Was God involved in my conception, the timing of my arrival and the choice of my parents?

·      Did God have a say about where I grew up and went to school?

·      Did God choose the subjects that I studied and is He responsible for the talents and gifts that I have?

·      Did God choose my marriage partner and my job or career?

·      Is God running this country? Did He appoint our Prime Minister?

·      Does God know how many children I will or have had? And their names?

·      Does God know what illnesses I may have to grapple with?

I could go on. The point us, He does know all of this, He knows everything, before it happens. But our spiritual viewpoint is often so restricted, and we tend to think that it is all down to us. 

The writer of this Psalm believed that everything was down to God. It was God who made the Jews an object of derision – not Babylon. He would restore them again – not Cyrus or the future king of the Medes and Persians. Perhaps we need a different world view, a different view of ourselves.? God’s view. 


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