Psalm 80:12

Psalm 80:12

Is it God's fault?

Remember that these verses are addressed to God, the writer of the Psalm is speaking on behalf of his people, Israel, and describing what the Lord God has done for them. He is obviously now in a state of perplexity because something has gone very wrong! The prosperous vine that embraced every corner of the land has been infiltrated by all and sundry, the walls of the vineyard have been broached and its grapes are no longer the property of just the Israelites. 

The psalmist cannot understand what has happened, obviously God has abandoned His people, they are no longer protected and enemy nations and neighbours have access to the crops. But why? Why has God allowed this? 

Human nature never changes when things go wrong, God always gets the blame. Why does He allow this? How can God not step in? Where is He when you need Him? Before pointing the finger, we all have to look hard at ourselves and ask what we have done to cause the Lord’s withdrawal? He never changes, His love, protection and care are “new every morning.” If things are going wrong, then we can be sure that we are the cause. In fact, the withdrawal of blessing is part of God’s plan to get us back on track!


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