Psalm 80:1

Psalm 80:1

The Shepherd of Israel

Our friend Asaph is writing yet again, or at least a descendant of his family group. The Psalm is set to a beautiful sounding tune – “The Lilies of the Covenant.” I cannot imagine this to be a loud, brassy number, can you? It carries ethereal overtones, a song of wistful sadness for days of long ago and memories fading in the mists of time! 

The Psalm was written during a period of captivity, some commentators regard the inclusion of Ephraim and Manasseh as pointers to the Assyrian capture of the northern tribes, others think that this is yet another plea from the hearts of the Jews who were in captivity in Babylon. Either way it is a plaintive cry to the Lord for restoration.


V1        “Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock.” The writer here is reflecting back to the exodus, I’m sure. He recalls the time when God came to His captive people who were in slavery in Egypt, and He beckoned them to follow Him out to the wilderness. They gladly turned away from the barren pastures of their Egyptian taskmasters and set off in the footsteps of the divine Shepherd. This Shepherd took them through rocky terrain at times, but He unfailingly watered and fed them for 40 years until they came to a land of plenty, a land where the grass was green, and the waters flowed with abundance. Here, the Shepherd stopped and ordered His flock to rest, to grow and expand and make themselves at home, for this was their land, forever. No more wandering and no more battles. Did the Shepherd leave them to it? No, He stayed, but the flock became self-indulgent and careless and forgot that they needed the Shepherd with them if they were to maintain their land and their integrity. 

Where was the Shepherd while all of this was going on? He sat down. He ordered a Tabernacle (later a Temple) to be built and in the innermost, Holy Place, was the Ark of the Covenant covered by the Mercy Seat with its cherubim. Here dwelt the glory of the Shepherd. In this Holy Place He chose to make His glory known to His people and gave them instructions on how to approach Him and continue to enjoy His protection and care. The Shepherd never left Israel; they left Him! 

Our Shepherd has sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. He has made Himself completely accessible to all who will approach Him. Let us not grow self-indulgent and careless and forget that He is with us and we are entitled to join with Him. 


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