Psalm 79:7

Psalm 79:7

Jacob has returned

Jeremiah writes, “Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the people who do not call on your name. For they have devoured Jacob; they have devoured him completely and destroyed his homeland.” Jeremiah 10:25.       

We have already commented on the pointlessness of assuming that politics can solve the world’s problems and that any man-made solutions, be they left wing, right wing, centre ground or dictatorial are just the by-products of a much higher strategic plan. Jacob’s devastation had many causes, historians would point to the military weakness of the Jews and the territorial ambitions of the King of Babylon. But we know that the Jews were defying their God and were being judged for their rebellion, and we also know that Babylon was an empire controlled by evil spiritual powers that were tools in God’s hands. Jerusalem was ransacked, the land of Israel was a wilderness, the people who lived there were either taken captive or left to fend for themselves and yet this apparently was the will of God. Dare we ever question what He is doing? 

Our world is hurtling towards disaster, the peace and prosperity enjoyed by many peoples over the past 70 years, is coming to an end. While mankind puts its hope in men and women to resolve the problems, we know that God will “Pour out His wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge Him, on the people who do not call on His name,” and the true conflict is in the heavenly realms. Amazingly at the same time as the world is suffering on so many levels, Jacob has returned from centuries of persecution and humiliation and the homeland has been restored! Let’s keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus in these troubled times. 


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