Psalm 79:5

Psalm 79:5

How long?

At first sight, the plea to the Lord, “how long” smacks of impatience and reads more like a complaint than a cry of anguish. It perhaps gives us an insight into the boldness of the people and their confidence that if God is righteous and just, then there must be an end to their suffering! What is quite plain is that the disasters that have befallen Israel are not attributed to the Babylonians, who do not even get a mention in this Psalm. No, the battle is with the Lord, He is the instigator of the suffering, and He is the only source of relief. There is no discussion about negotiation, or political arguments or peace-keeping deals; the Lord God is seen as the One single force that has caused this catastrophe and the One single means to freedom and restoration. Despite their rebellion and their pagan worship and their arrogant disobedience of the Lord’s commands, these people still looked to the Lord for their salvation. It was not so much, if God would help them, but when!

It would do us all good to adopt a similar attitude of faith. Instead of expressing and trusting in political resolutions and expediency should we not be attributing our future safety and prosperity to our God?  As time goes by, I become increasingly aware that everything is indeed, in His hands. The men and women who think they rule over this planet are nothing but puppets who are being manipulated by the devil or managed by God. They think themselves so powerful and above us all and yet they are nothing, for they do not begin to understand the true nature of the affairs of this world. It’s time to turn our longings into prayers and face the One who really is in control, “How long Lord? How long before You come? How long before this suffering ends? How long before Your will is fulfilled? How long before our enemies are overcome? How long before Jesus is Lord of all the earth?” 



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