Psalm 79:3

Psalm 79:3

Jerusalem survives!

We should always remember that the nation of Israel has a special place in God’s heart. He showed them incredible patience and mercy during their troubled history up to time of Messiah. And despite their rejection of the Christ and their subsequent dispersal to the four corners of the earth, it turns out that God never forgot them. So much so, that He has recently unveiled a plan to return them to the Land of Promise and to re-establish them again as a nation. Study the UN resolutions that established Israel prior to 1948, look at the War of Independence, the miracles of the Six Day War and the Yom Kipper War and you have to conclude that these people are still God’s own people. In more recent times, history shows that those who have blessed Israel have been blessed and those who curse Israel have been cursed. 

So, while atrocities such as are described in verse 3 are frighteningly true and have occurred over and over again throughout human history, the nation of the Jews remains. Hitler tried to destroy them, and the world looked the other way. Arab nations have threatened to drive them into the Sea, but they will never succeed. Meanwhile, the church limps onwards, often sleeping on the journey and unaware that the same hostile forces that have persecuted the Jews are equally opposed to the followers of Jesus Christ. 


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