Psalm 79:11

Psalm 79:11

The strong arm that preserves

We have already determined that this Psalm was written during the time that the Jews had been exiled to Babylon and held in captivity there. They were not locked away in prison cells, Babylon was their prison cell. History records that the people were put to labour and were, in one sense, free. However, should they try to escape it would be under threat of death. This captivity was not dissimilar to the slavery their ancestors had experienced in Egypt, except that the people now knew that they belonged to a land, and they had an identity as a nation which they had jeopardised by their foolish disobedience and unbelief. It’s one thing being imprisoned and enslaved and it’s not your fault – that is injustice. It’s another thing knowing that you deserve your punishment – that is justice. And so, the cry went up to God, the groans of the prisoners were heard in heaven along with the plea that His strong arm should preserve those who were condemned to die. 

This is the true state of the penitent. We know that we have sinned. We know that we have broken God’s commands and disobeyed His laws. We know that we are imprisoned because of our own failure and disbelief. And we know that those who have sinned are condemned to die. It is only by God’s grace that we may be saved and delivered and set free, nothing else and no one else can help us. Only the strong arm of the Lord God and His heart of love for those who seek His forgiveness can give life and hope to the captives. 


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