Psalm 79:10

Psalm 79:10

Where is their God?

How often do we hear this rather pathetic cry, “Where is their God?” It is presented in many different ways, “Why does God allow suffering? Why doesn’t God do something? Where is God when you need Him? What, in God’s name, is going on?” Of course, these questions are usually asked by those who have no concept of who God really is and what He is really like. In truth, He is active all around us, as we have seen. He is also party to a spiritual battle between good and evil where He spends an enormous amount of energy and grace in trying to keep humanity from walking straight into the pit of hell. He  has every right to be an angry God who gets sick and tired of mankind’s endless rebellion and their determination to pursue any other gods but Himself. 

I listened to the Radio 4 News early this morning, three of the four reports I heard were all to do with climate change. In August of 2022 it is blamed for the floods in Pakistan, for the drought in Andalucía and a very poor year for the olive trees, and for the arrival of a Praying Mantis in Dorset! Has it never dawned on anyone that climate change is actually a form of judgement on humanity for the way we have treated God’s creation, a judgement that is going to increase in intensity and scope as the next few years unfold? “Before our very eyes, God is making Himself known among the nations to avenge the outpoured blood of His servants.” Few will believe it, instead they will keep on asking, “Where is their God!”


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