Psalm 78:56

Psalm 78:56

They put God to the test

The consequences of a life of comfort and peaceful coexistence with their neighbours spelled disaster for the Israelites. Instead of their faith in the Lord being strengthened, it was diminished. Instead of grateful acknowledgement of His ways, they turned to idolatry. Instead of diligent attention to God’s Law, they became lazy and careless, and their religion was banished to the side lines. The full story is the theme of the Book of Judges, and it is sad reading.

So, how did God feel about this? Today’s verse highlights three effects of such behaviour and these are important for us to remember. The first is that the Lord God was put to the test! They tested His patience, His mercy, His promises, His faithfulness, in fact all that the Lord had revealed about His character was severely tested by these ungrateful people who, having got what was promised, abandoned their relationship with the Provider! This was not just forgetfulness, God called it rebellion.

We all slip and slide our way through relationships, and we treat the Lord abominably at times. After all that He has done for me, how could I live as if He did not exist, not even finding time to pray or spend a few moments alone with Him each day? Such behaviour is not called forgetfulness in the Scripture or even ingratitude, it is described as rebellion.

This verse reminds us that it is our obligation to walk closely with our Father and to seek to obey His laws and to behave in a way that expresses our faith in Him. We are not bound by His statutes, nor are we penalised for having broken them, Christ has borne the penalty. However, surely we have cause, more than even the Israelites, to live by faith and in accordance with God’s Word? 


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