Psalm 78:53

Psalm 78:53

He guided them safely

When you think about it, the direct intervention of God in the affairs of His people was, at times, limited. He allowed men to take over the day-to-day running of Israel and some of them were mighty men of faith indeed. What is blindingly obvious, as we have noted in the previous verse, is that the more dependant the leaders were on the Lord, the better they were at their job. This applies to Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, David and many more, all of them were fine as prophets, priests and kings when the Lord was in His rightful place in their lives, but useless without Him!

The Lord’s direct intervention and guidance was never more plainly seen than when He led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt and towards the Promised Land. During this time, the miracles of guidance and provision were almost daily occurrences. And just as the Lord provided for His people, He also removed the threat of their enemies. The Israelites were safe and unafraid, the Egyptians were drowned in terror under the waves of the Red Sea. 

This ought to be a huge lesson for us. If we submit to God’s leading and follow His directions through the Word and His Holy Spirit, we will be safe and unafraid. As soon as we take the helm and try to make things happen our way, disaster will strike, and we will be ineffective as leaders. 



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