Psalm 78:52

Psalm 78:52

The Good Shepherd

Psalm 72 ended with this familiar illustration, the Lord as the Shepherd going before His flock and the people following in His wake. It’s a beautiful picture of the liberation of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt. Trapped by merciless oppressors, with no voice, no plan, no purpose and no hope, the Hebrews were on the verge of collapse. Their new-born sons were being murdered, their workload had crushed their spirits and they were a broken people. Then, the Lord God literally sends them a shepherd. Moses is more than just a heroic Commander in Chief, he is an experienced farmer who has spent 40 years watching over his animals. He knows every quirk and characteristic of a sheep’s nature and he knows how to care for and protect large flocks in the wilderness. It is to this very same wilderness that he must now take a human flock whose ways are not dissimilar to the sheep that he has tended for decades!

Moses was not alone in this hazardous venture. He had his brother Aaron and together they would lead the people, but that was not enough. Throughout every twist and turn of the next 40 years the Lord Himself would lead them and guide them and guard them and protect them. Yes, it is true that the Lord does not always take direct control of the flock, He appoints men to be the shepherds, and all will be well so long as they heed His voice and follow His will. The key to good shepherding is to be a good sheep with a Good Shepherd!


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