Psalm 78:36-37

Psalm 78:36-37

Flattery and lies

Oh, the arrogance of men! The last few verses have given us a very honest portrayal of the ways of human beings in their relationship with Almighty God. He shows them His righteousness and His anger but also His kindness and His faithfulness. People take note but they have no intention of changing their ways, they keep on sinning. Despite all that the Lord has done for them, the majority chooses not to believe in Him. Instead, they continue to live their days in self-serving and accumulating wealth and reputations in this world, whilst ignoring the God who awaits them in the next. God sends more punishments and for a short while they seek Him and remember all that He has done in past ages. And what does that produce? Hypocrisy!

Most state religion is just this, men and women attending a Service and saying the right things, singing the right tunes and lying through their teeth about how great God is and how much they believe in Him. As soon as the ordeal is over, they rush off to the pub or to resume their normal lives with no thought for Him at all. In fact, no sooner are they out of His presence than they are blaspheming His name and cursing His creation. Israel did the same thing. Our world and our culture do it. Some elements of the church actively promote this behaviour and the ministers and priests pat themselves on the back over “a good attendance” after they have reassured their audience that all is well and God loves everyone. 

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Why have we not learned? We cannot mock the Lord God in this way. It might be better to ignore Him completely than to play such dreadful games with our Creator. How the devil must laugh at the hurt his deception does to the reputation of our Lord.


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