Psalm 78:32

Psalm 78:32

They did not believe

This is another sombre verse of Scripture. The Psalm has reminded us, again and again, of the mighty acts of God. We have travelled with the ancient nation of Israel, through seas and through deserts and time and again, the Lord God has miraculously met their needs, and their desires. But, despite all of this, the people just cannot stop sinning! They have the Law and the Commandments, they have the beneficial provision of a merciful God, they have the glorious hope of becoming a great nation and settling in the Promised Land. None of this is enough to stop wilful sin and unbelief.

In all of this Israel is an example to us, as we have seen they are a parable.  “A parable is an earthly story that conceals a spiritual truth that can only be understood by revelation!” They show us the fallibility of man, the problem of the inner nature that draws us away from God and lures us into law-breaking. But even worse, Israel shows us the consequences of unbelief. Many believers spend their whole lives wandering in the wilderness because of unbelief. Many believers constantly moan and complain about their lot and forget the amazing, miraculous provision of the Lord who delivered them from Satan’s Egypt. 

Many believers get tired of the journey and the constant demands of those who lead them, and they do not wish to be disciplined or reprimanded. 

Many believers drag their feet on the journey and would rather stay put than pack their bags once more and continue on the relentless path towards the Promised Land. 

And what is at the heart of all of this? Unbelief. Not being able to believe the words of the Good Shepherd who goes before. Not being able to believe that there is a destination in view. Not being able to believe that this journey of faith will take us all to a better place, that far outshines the lures of Egypt. Let’s make sure that we are not one of them! Our God will provide if we believe in Him enough to let Him do so.


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