Psalm 78:26-27

Psalm 78:26-27

The Winds and the Quail.

These two verses have puzzled many commentators, especially the references to south and east winds. However, if you are a birdwatcher and have visited Israel in the spring and autumn, you will know quite a bit about migration. Birds that have seen out the winter months in Africa migrate north to Europe in spring and need the south wind to propel them. The converse happens in autumn. The Mediterranean coast of the Middle East is an immense airway for great flocks of birds as they move back and forth, throughout the year.

The Common Quail migrates through a vast range of Asia from the Mediterranean across to India, so it is perfectly reasonable to describe the southern and eastern winds that brought large flocks to the Israelites as they camped in the wilderness. Numbers 11. These vast flocks carried on arriving for a whole month until the people were sick of the meat! Again, that bears out the migratory process and tells us that these events took place in spring. Interestingly, there is another migrating bird, just like the quail, called the sandgrouse and pictures of them usually show them congregating near pools or along the seashore as they drink. The reference in these verses to sand on the seashore makes me wonder if the birds were in fact, sandgrouse? 

The provision of meat here was in response to the grumbling of the people of Israel who had grown tired of their daily ration of manna. The parable factor is teaching us that God has complete control of creation and that He is able to provide for our needs simply be redirecting a few birds! He also responds sympathetically to our grumbling; such is His compassion and His mercy towards us. Having said that, the events in Numbers 11 shows us that we can push Him too far and that we are not to act like spoiled children, constantly making demands!


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