Psalm 78:25

Psalm 78:25

The bread of angels?

How do we understand this statement that, “Human beings ate the bread of angels?” Well, I’m not sure that there is a definitive answer but let’s look at some of the possibilities. The verse refers, of course, to the feeding of the vast family of the Israelites, as they travelled in the desert, and we thought in the previous verse, about the heavenly manna that was given to them on a daily basis.

·      Was the manna the literal food of angels? Who knows?

·      Maybe the manna was prepared by angels and delivered by them each day to the people, wherever they camped?

·      Maybe the manna was such excellent food that the people really believed that it was the same stuff that angels ate?

We may never know the answers to such questions in this life and there’s little point in pondering too much but I would make one further point. When Jesus rose from the dead and walked the earth in His resurrection body, He was still able to eat! He ate with the disciples on more than one occasion. If He needed to eat, is it too absurd to assume that angels also need food and that heavenly manna is on their menu? And is it too much to assume that the Children of Israel were sustained be heavenly food that was the same as that eaten by angels? If so, what a miracle! What a God we have! He can and will feed us even when there is no earthly food available! Hallelujah!


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