Psalm 78:15-16

Psalm 78:15-16

Water flows down like rivers

There were two occasions when God miraculously provided water for His people. The first was in the Desert of Sin at a place called Rephidim, an area in southern Sinai. Here the people grumbled, probably justifiably, because there was no water for them to drink. If the population numbered around 2 million with all of their animals, then this was a very serious matter. Moses was in familiar territory here, for close by was Horeb, the place where he had come upon the burning bush and met with the Lord God. It was also known as the “Mountain of the Lord – Sinai” where the spiritual water of God’s Law would be given. Moses was ordered to “strike the rock” and water would come out for the people to drink. Exodus 17:1-7. 

A similar event is described in Numbers 20. We are now in 40th year of the people’s desert wandering, and the people are at Kadesh near the southern borders of Canaan. The water has again run out and a new generation of Israelites complain bitterly about their plight. This time Moses, and Aaron, are ordered to speak to the rock but instead Moses strikes it with his staff. Water comes out, but that single act of defiance stops the two men from ever entering the Promised Land. 

What is evident from these accounts is that the water supply was not just a “one off” event. The Scriptures are full of accounts of the miraculous supply that could not be contained. It turned into rivers and became a never-ending stream to the people, that accompanied them on their travels. Just as well, for how could they carry all of the water they needed and make it last for 40 years?  This “parable” is another story with a deeper meaning for it points to the streams mentioned by Jesus, who promised that “If anyone is thirsty, they may come to Him and drink and out of their innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37. A never-ending supply that will be given to us at the beginning of our spiritual lives and, in my case, that is still being refreshed over 40 years later! Hallelujah! 


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