Psalm 78:13

Psalm 78:13

A series of miracles

It is worth stopping here for a moment and pondering how the Israelites managed to cross the Red Sea. Remember, they had already experienced the miraculous hand of God through the many plagues that had come upon the Egyptians, and a stubborn Pharaoh had reluctantly given into the request for the people to go out to the desert to worship their God. These slaves had been swamped with many valuable artifacts by the Egyptians who pleaded with them to leave and presumably, to never return! 

The journey had hardly got going before this vast mass of migrants were confronted by the Red Sea, or more accurately, the Sea of Reeds. There are different theories about exactly where the crossing took place, but one thing is certain, the water that stretched before them was impassable without a huge fleet of boats! God told Moses where He wanted the people to camp that day after making them turn back on themselves! In so doing, He sent a message to Pharaoh that the Hebrew slaves were wandering in confusion and would be easy pickings for his army and charioteers. And that is exactly what happened!

The spectre of the Egyptian army approaching was enough to turn the Israelites into a terrified rabble, but Moses calmed them, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring to you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still. Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.””

We all know what happened next, as night fell the Lord drove back the waters of the Sea with a strong east wind. He also positioned the angel of God between the Israelites and the Egyptians, and the pillar of cloud moved behind them so that they remained in the light, but their pursuers were in darkness! As we all know, the following day God’s people crossed over on dry land, but the Egyptians were drowned in the returning waters. 

What a series of miracles! Read all about it in Exodus 14 but don’t forget to read also, the song of Moses and Miriam in Exodus 15:1-13. This wasn’t just one miracle, it was many! This is our God showing that He is in control of every situation, right down to the smallest detail. Hallelujah!


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