Psalm 78:11-12

Psalm 78:11-12

They forgot what He had done

What a terrible thing it is to forget what the Lord has done for us. We have our Bibles and the detailed accounts of God’s dealings with the Israelites and with the world. Events in the life of the early church have been meticulously recorded too and the story of the erratic journey of the church since the first century is available for anyone to read. As we noted in Psalm 70, “Starting with Bible characters of old, through the testimony of the Apostles and early saints, to the witnesses of the Reformation, to the revivals and missionary endeavours of the 19th and early 20th centuries, to attendees at Billy Graham rallies, right through to this present time, we are surrounded by a “greater cloud of witnesses”. Hebrews 12:1. Every one of the people included in this vast number has a story to tell and, in their stories, we see a reflection of our own salvation and we know that we are not alone. Sharing our experiences of the Lord are a vital part of any faith community.” 

The men and women of Ephraim had history behind them, but they forgot what the Lord had done! They forgot about the wonders and the miracles. They forgot about the amazing intervention of the Lord God in the Nile delta, Egypt, around the city of Zoan, where He had performed miracles through Moses and He had set His people free from slavery. In truth they had become so engrossed in their daily lives, so settled in their comfort zones that they had grown spiritually lazy and as so often happens, the Lord God had been pushed out of their minds. Let us not repeat their folly! 


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