Psalm 78:4

Psalm 78:4

The wonders He has done

It’s so easy to relate a story from the past, to tell our own stories and forget to give the appropriate glory and credit to God. If He has indeed been part of all of our lives, then nothing has happened that He did not know or involve Himself with. Nothing, except the moments when we rebelled and when we went against His will and deliberately disobeyed Him. 

The narrations of these past events are to be told to our children and to the next generation, but the accounts must be truthful, they must include the times when the Lord intervened, or He answered our prayers, or He led us in the right direction. We must proclaim His glory and let it be known that the days and years that have gone well for us are all down to His grace and mercy and not our own wisdom and ingenuity. Every one of our lives is a parable, every day a testimony to the faithfulness of our God.

I recently spoke at a meeting where I gave accounts of four occasions that I have witnessed, when the Lord showed His miraculous power and healed or restored. Afterwards, I felt a bit guilty, was I heaping condemnation on people who may not have witnessed Him powerfully at work? What tripe! We need to tell others what the Lord has done or how else will they believe that they too can expect to see and testify to “the wonders He has done?”



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