Psalm 78:3

Psalm 78:3

My story is His story

This verse is at the heart of what Asaph was all about. The parables that he (or his descendant) was about to recount were stories from the past, events that were part of Israel’s history, events that everyone knew about and had narrated and had heard retold many times. However, these stories had lost much of their power and meaning because they had become written into folklore, they were proudly proclaimed but people had forgotten to look for the deeper meaning, they had abandoned the spiritual lessons and truths that were hidden in all that had happened. In other words, the stories were proclaimed, but the hand of God in all these things had been forgotten. Psalm 78 will recount the history of Israel once again but, in Asaph’s account, it is all about the Lord and what He was really saying and doing for His chosen people. 

Has it ever occurred to many of us that our life story is really His story? That the twists and turns of our journey reflect Him every step of the way. Without Him we may have never got on that train, or read that book, or met that stranger, or taken that holiday, or moved to that location or heard that message. The Lord was always there, He has always been part of our story, nothing has happened to you and me that He did not know about, in advance, and on every occasion those “coincidences” that changed our lives were orchestrated in heaven. Your life and mine are parables, “Earthly stories that conceal spiritual truths that can only be understood by revelation!” In other words, God is in it all, seeking to show us who He is and what He is doing. Maybe it’s time to look back and review a few things? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 


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