Psalm 77:3

Psalm 77:3

The dark night of the soul

This verse describes a time of deep soul searching as the writer cries out for help. Sometimes remembering who God is and what He has done can be painful! His righteousness and truth are overwhelming. How can we dare to approach such a One? His deeds and His power are terrifying; such is His influence in the world, who are we to approach Him? As we think about His awesome interventions in history, we can feel very insignificant and also unworthy. There is a suggestion that the word “meditated” here is correctly translated “complained”, and as the writer did so he found himself overwhelmed. 

To experience “the dark night of the soul” is difficult, we will be subject to many differing emotions and a sense of helplessness and despair. We know that God is present but feel utterly unfit to approach Him and also overawed by the immensity of who He is. The “accuser” will seek to convince us that God is not listening and that He does not care. As we recall events when the opposite was true, we find ourselves in complete conflict and confusion. Our spirits are deeply troubled at such times, it’s a bit like the night when Jacob wrestled with God!

If you have experienced or do experience times like this, you are not alone and, as the Psalm will show us, there is always hope! Hallelujah! 



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