Psalm 77:16

Psalm 77:16

The waters saw You, God.

Ask any Israelite, on earth, up to the time of Messiah, “What is the most amazing miracle that the Lord God has ever performed?” They will tell you that it was the parting of the Red Sea, to allow around 2 million Hebrew slaves to escape from Egypt. Bear in mind that the Sea was parted by a strong east wind that blew for a night and piled up the waters to the right and left of the people. Consider how a Sea became dry land and how a vast multitude passed through it with towering banks of water either side of them. Remember how the Egyptians followed with their horses and chariots and that the Lord jammed the wheels of the chariots and brought a vast army into confusion – in the night! Consider also how Moses only had to stretch out his hand at daybreak, and the waters went back to their place and there was the calm and peaceful Red Sea, with no sign of the pursuers, and the Israelites safe and alone on the far side, never again to be troubled by the Egyptians. That was a major miracle, but it was also the moment of freedom in the history of Israel, the start of an independent future and a journey that would establish them as a powerful nation and a people who would never again be extinguished. 

The psalm writer sees the waters in his mind, he sees them writhing and convulsing, unable to resist the power of the Creator who turned them aside with an unprecedented hurricane force unlike any wind before or since. The picture is one of primeval chaos, even fear, as the Sea has to respond to the mighty hand of God pushing it back and holding it in place. Do you remember how the disciples once asked themselves, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!” Matthew 8:27. What kind of man indeed!


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