Psalm 77:13
Psalm 77:13
What god is as great as our God?
Who among the gods is like You, Lord? Who is like You – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” Exodus 15:11. Don Moen put these words into a song that we sang 30 – 40 years ago.
Who is like unto Thee
O Lord among the gods?
Who is like unto Thee
Glorious in holiness,
Fearful in praises,
Doing wonders,
Who is like unto Thee?
The “gods” in Hebrew are the “elohim”, as opposed to God who is Elohim. These lesser beings are other spiritual beings who have been worshipped by mankind as they have taken on thousands of different guises over the centuries. They may well manifest themselves as gods such as those worshipped by the Romans and Greeks and other pagan nations. They are certainly the lesser gods of Buddhism and Hinduism and the god, Allah. The human race has even elevated men and women to the position of gods, such is man’s reluctance to worship the One and Only True Elohim. And the Satan has conjured up these lesser beings to draw attention away from the truth.
Well might we ask, “Who is like Him, glorious in holiness? Who amongst the gods is as great as our God?” There is none greater and what a comfort to know that we worship the supreme Being, the superior spiritual entity that is greater than all that have been created or imagined. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
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