Psalm 77:12

Psalm 77:12

Let's meditate on Your mighty deeds

Let’s consider some of God’s works and those mighty deeds, shall we? 

For all of us everything starts when an all-powerful Being decides to create a universe!! He fills the heavens with billions of stars and interweaves their sparkling beauty into a breath-taking canopy of light. In one of the galaxies, He constructs a planet out of floating debris and calculates everything that is necessary for life to flourish. He then breathes His life and energy into this world and its inhabitants. 

Into that scenario He places creatures made like Himself and hands them control of the planet and its resources. High above, in the heavens, He places a ball of fire to give heat and light. He adds a smaller reflective orb that illuminates the night but also uses its gravitational power to give tides to the oceans and seasons to the earth. That’s just the beginning of the picture, it would take more than a thousand lifetimes to paint in the fine details of all that God has made.

Instead of enjoying God’s creation and the privilege of His friendship, mankind - the creatures made in God’s image, chooses to go it alone and man rebels against his Creator and Protector. In truth he thinks he is going it alone, but his wilfulness is assisted by an evil spiritual enemy of the Lord God. Satan was an angel of light but he has been thrown out pf heaven with a large number of rebellious beings and has set about controlling the world and its inhabitants.  Instead of harmony, beauty and peace the earth becomes a place of discord, ugliness and war. God floods it to remove the darkness and leaves a small family of eight people to start again. The same old problems persist but God, in His grace, decides to take one member of that small family and to watch over them as they develop into a nation. He gives them special promises, unconditional promises, including the gift of land. The nation grows until there are a couple of million of them but, sadly, they are not free to inherit their land, instead they are trapped in slavery to a large military empire. God miraculously delivers them, watches over them and guides their journey, on foot, until they reach their Land of Promise. Here He protects and empowers them against overwhelming odds, until they are free to live at peace in a country where they have everything they could ever need. 

Just like their predecessors these people prefer their own rulers to the authority of the Lord God and they reject Him time and again. He never gives up on them, but they become faithless and arrogant. So much so, that when their Lord comes to live amongst them, they do not recognise Him! In fact, they kill Him for blasphemy and because He does not fit into their ideas of the Messiah they had been promised. 

Instead of giving up on mankind, God extends the privileges offered to the chosen people and makes them available to the whole world. For 2,000 years the majority of earth’s population has continued to rebel against their Maker while just a small remnant choose to acknowledge Him. He persists with His plan. What a God! 


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